Led by International Arts Partnership (UK), The Transmission brings together partners from Ireland, Albania, France, Sweden and Hungary.
Together, the partners will commission new short form audio dramas (under 7 minutes) from professional writers from across the project countries. Each audio drama will be co-created by the writer with the support of some of the young people involved. Each piece will be translated into all the project languages including Arabic.
Each partner will recruit six groups of up to 6 young people aged 11 – 25 and including young refugees. With support from the in-country facilitator, the young people will select an audio drama which they will then interpret and create as a fully performed and edited piece. Each group of young people will act as critics and dramaturgs to a group of young people in another country and will, in their turn, receive support of this kind.
All the finished pieces will be uploaded to the project website. Locally, partners will be encouraged to disseminate the finished work within their own country. All the scripts and supporting resources will be made freely available to anyone anywhere to use to create their own work which we will also be keen to share via the website. The project will culminate in a festival attended by one representative of each group of young people. The festival will showcase all the work, run further masterclasses and create additional work involving the young people collaborating across borders in person.
Our aim is to introduce a new generation to audio drama and it’s creative opportunities.